eGrowthLab Launches Conversation AI

One platform

More leads

Higher profits

Stop funneling customers to your competition, eGrowthLab creates more opportunities to turn leads into a happy customer.

eGrowthLab Has Industry Leading 24/7 Support

Modified Feb. 8th 2024

The best ways to connect with 24/7 eGrowthLab support

Select the red circle icon mark in the button right corner of the eGrowthLab Application, click the chat icon. Available on Desktop only. From here - you can either connect directly through our chat widget with one of our support specialists or create a ticket to be followed up with via email.


Choose one of three other options in the red circle popup including Home, Help, or Tours. Each of the sections will help answer all platform related questions.

How to Call eGrowthLab

You can call this number (817) 587-3671 M - F from 9am to 5pm CST for sales, login, billing related issues. For technical related issues for how to, or platform specific needs, use the red icon in the bottom right corner of your account.

We validate all inbound callers, no matter the caller, to confirm they are an active customer of the eGrowthLab platform.

We cannot service non-customers that call in. We will need to validate your identity as an Account Admin - we will encourage you to reach out to another Account Admin to grant you access or reach out on your behalf. Your security for your account matters to us.

If your Account eGrowthLab email is not the best one to reach you at, please mention this to Support. Lastly, if your email is associated with accounts, provide the correct account name of the account in question.

Additional Self Service Support Resources

It is frustrating when we need help but can't get it as fast as we'd like it. That's why we've provided these hacks and tips below to help you get the fastest resolution time possible.

  1. Checkout our knowledge base and YouTube channel

    Knowledge Base

    YouTube Channel

  2. Join our Community Group

    Facebook Group

eGrowthLab lead scoring

Used to grow businesses just like yours

skincare studio

cake bakery


wedding planner

local chamber

broadcast engineer

wedding & event venue

eGrowthLab is already user-friendly.

However if you do have an issue...

The team is here to support you at every step of the journey.

24/7 Customer Support

Live chat, videos call, email, and more…

Onboarding Sessions

Get setup in an instant with our team

and a personalized plan.

Industry Templates

Designed for your industry to quickly get started.

Training App

Build your eGrowthLab skillset through

video and courses.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Take the next step towards business success with eGrowthLab,

harness AI and connected tools, and see your business exceed your goals.




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©️ Josh Ads, -- eGrowthLab Customer Acquisition Platform